Saturday, August 2, 2008

Rear Brake Repair

Mileage at 92,500KM.

Problem: squeaking noise on rear left hand side brake and found outside edge of rotor and brake pad are rubbing. Brake pad is separated from backing plate.

Place tyre and wooden block and unused book under car body for emergency. Placed wedge block front tires and rear tire. Released hand brake.

Replaced L/H rear brake rotor and pads with 3M dual-face adhesive remained on backing plate.

Replaced R/H rear brake rotor and pads with 3M dual-face adhesive removed on backing plate.

I think adhesive should be remained based on Bentley manual. I should have cleaned up bonding surfaces for pads of the calipers. I am afraid I missed the points. But not big deal. Top sliding pin is stepped type meanwhile bottom one is straight type. Removed hand brake cable from caliper. Cleaned up gear teeth of ABS speed sensing. Cleaned up rotor with brake cleaner.

Pushing back piston is a bit hard when starting. Need a bit of breaking power to start to rotate and push. No risk of overflooding of reservoir as long as fluid reservior level is between Min and Max. Distance between tip of piston and the innner bonding surface of the caliper is around 48mm after resetting caliper. You can rotate and push piston until it reaches the bottom of the cylinder. When installing rotor applied some anti-seize compound.

Required tools: Resetting tool(, 13mm closed wrench and 15mm open end wrench, 11mm closed wrench, brake fluid catching bottle, tube for bleeding, hammer.

Materials: 4 original rear brake pads from VW(CDN82.00), two rotors from Wagner at canadian Tire(CDN66.00), Brake cleaner, Scotch Brite, clean rag, brake fluid just in case

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