Sunday, December 27, 2009

MIL ON (Engine Check Light)

MIL was on steady on whole driving and noticed a lot of condensing under engine hood.
After coming home suddenly no more MIL. Probably caused by damp.
Noticed engine oil level was low. Added some of oil. Checked spark plug connections for all four plugs. Seemed fine. Need further monitoring.

Tuesday, September 15, 2009

Preventive Maintenance

Mileage : 107,491 KM

Items checked: Timing Belt (Normal)
Transmission Fluid Level (Normal/ Good Color)
Coolant Level (Normal)
Brake Fluid Level (Normal)

Tuesday, July 21, 2009

Engine Oil Change VW

Changed engine oil.

Milage: 106,900 KM

Monday, June 29, 2009

Tire Roundness Check by canadian Tire

Mileage: 107000 KM June 28, Sunday

Complained vibration at highway speeed, which seems out of roundness of rear tires.
They found nothing wrong but low tire press of 25 psi. Inflated it to 32 psi and rerotate tire side by side. They want to monitor it.

Tuesday, June 23, 2009

Driveline Backlash Check

Making noise at 5th speed at around 100KM - 115 KM on highway that seems from drive train and checked backlash. Found 5th gear produces more backlash. Probably this is the cause.

Left side

3rd Gear 39

4th Gear 43

5th Gear 53

Right side

3rd Gear 44

4th Gear 48

5th Gear 51

Sunday, May 17, 2009

Sliding Noise from Rear R/H Wheel

Mileage: 104700 KM

Lifted up and tried rotating wheel without any resistance but rubbing noise at certain interval.

On monitoring.

Thursday, May 7, 2009

Power Window Repair

Mileage: 104400 KM

Volkswagen fixed both sides window regulators for front side and they are working well.

Repair of Broken R/H Side-view Mirror Housing

Mileage: 104400 KM

Safety Equipment: Goggle and Rubber Glove

Used Bond: Ultra Bond Plastic Bonder of Permatex (Any plastic including Polyethylene and Polypropylene)

Apply Activator on both surfaces and wait 20 seconds for it dry up.

Apply bonder on one side only sparingly and press parts together for 30 seconds.

Allow 12 hours for full strength.

Sunday, May 3, 2009

Fluid Change for Hydraulic Clutch System

Mileage: 104200 KM

Used Tools:

Safety Goggle
Rubber Glove
11 MM Combination Wrench
Bleeder Pump
Collecting bottle
Funnel made by recycled bottle
Life's Isopropanol 99% (Isopropyl Alcohol 99%) (Shoppers Drug Mart)
Clean rags
Brake Fluid from VW

Wear safety goggle and safety rubber glove first.
Hook up bleeder adapter onto brake fluid reservoir cap.
Pressurize it upto 10-13 psi and see if any leak.
If no leak, reliefe the bleeder and fill up the bleeder with 500 ML of brake fluid .
Pressurize it up to 10-13 psi (Maximum 15 psi).
Crack the bleeder loosen on the slave cylinder and open slowly and let it flow solidly
without bubbles for about 100 ML and close it quickly and press clutch 15 times.
Then bleed another 50 ML of fluid with laminar flow and close it quickly.
Relief pressure and disconnect the adapter from fluid reservoir.
Remove collecting bottle carefully. Put rubber protection cap on the bleeder.
Test clutch operation and see if shift is working properly.
Put the gear into the 2nd with emergency brake while engine being run and
release clutch pedal slowly and see if engine rpm drops and engine becomes
stalled. If it is OK, take a spin around the neibourhood.

Thursday, April 23, 2009

Tire Rotation

Mileage: 103748 KM
Used two mechanical jacks from VW. Be careful to raise or lower simultaneously.

Rotated tires.

Wednesday, March 25, 2009

Cleanup of Laptop and Desktop

Cleaned up laptop and desktop with compressed air and in good condition.

Friday, January 2, 2009

Transmission Oil Check Again

It was found perfectly levelled.